We specialize in evaluating the social, environmental and economic impacts against global standards to create strategic Impact Reports for stakeholders and the public.

Data Collection & Analysis

Finding the Constellations in Your Data

Our consulting services focus on analyzing up to 200 qualitative and quantitative data points to measure and analyze socio-economic and environmental impacts. We coordinate with teams to conduct comprehensive studies, interviewing relevant stakeholders to facilitate deep and insightful conversations regarding operations and their broader implications. HMK Impact’s approach involves a detailed consultation and analysis of existing data, ensuring your data is utilized to its fullest potential.

Our metrics are accumulated by standards provided by B Corps, the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Reporting & Asset Creation

Visually Illuminating Your Impact

Transform your data into a story that fosters change. Our team crafts detailed impact reports, assets, narratives and dynamic visual content to clearly showcase your business’s positive contributions. These reports are crafted with engagement in mind and will keep your reader turning the page. Whether you share your story with stakeholders, potential partners, or your community, our asset creation positions your organization at the center of the known universe. Enhance your marketing strategies and provide a robust foundation for communicating your impact and value effectively.

Strategic Communications

Radiating Your Story into the World

Our strategic communications and PR services amplify your impact and elevate your reputation through targeted, powerful storytelling. We begin by crafting and distributing press releases and media kits to relevant media outlets, ensuring achievements receive the recognition they deserve. HMK Impact develops tailored social media and email campaigns, highlighting contributions for the consumption of a broader audience, engaging with them in real-time. By developing customized communication strategies, we help you connect authentically with key stakeholders, fostering lasting partnerships with your community. Through our integrated approach, we celebrate your positive contributions, driving greater engagement and enhancing your overall brand presence.

Our Process

  • Our partnership begins with an initial onboarding process, executed through a series of digital requests to gather essential business information. A kick-off meeting will then be scheduled to set the objectives of the report, and to review the processes and timelines, ensuring alignment and clarity from the outset.

  • We can collect up to 200 data points strategically aligned with local, national, and global sustainability standards and relevant to your business and industry. HMK Impact will curate a tailored list of indicators that best fit your business and will consult with your team to identify additional points relevant to your industry and organization. You are responsible for completing the data collection template provided. This process can take between two weeks to two months depending on the depth of your project and your available resources. Our team at HMK Impact remains available for consultation and to assist with any additional data acquisition needs.

  • Based on the data collected, HMK will conduct interviews with up to five key stakeholders and consumers. These discussions are crucial in gaining deeper insights and understanding the qualitative aspects of your impact to craft a narrative that highlights your unique initiatives and provided experiences.

  • Once all data has been compiled, HMK will draft an outline and storyboard for the Impact Report. This draft will be presented to you during a meeting, where adjustments to the report’s scope and objectives can be made. Additional data collection may be required based on this review.

  • HMK will then produce the first draft of the Impact Report. This draft is reviewed by you, and can be revised up to two times without any additional costs, ensuring that the final product accurately reflects your impact.

  • Upon final approval, the completed Impact Report is submitted.

  • Following the delivery, you have the option to engage further with our team for additional consultation. We can assist in developing strategic communication, PR, and marketing strategies to effectively disseminate the Impact Report. We are available for graphic design, copywriting, and marketing and PR campaigns.

  • Client relationships and experiences are paramount at HMK Impact. A final meeting will be held to review the entire process and to solicit your feedback. This discussion will also cover considerations for future reports, additional consultations, and your impact initiatives to insure ongoing improvement and satisfaction for both parties.

Impact Solutions Tailored to Your Needs

Diversity of Services
Our specialized services are designed to meet a diverse range of needs, from comprehensive impact reports to tailored consultations and strategic communications. Our service offerings are flexible and inclusive, featuring various packages that cater to different scopes and budgets. Whether you are looking for an all-encompassing approach or specific services, our packages can be customized to suit your requirements.

Our Partners
Ranging from small local businesses to large corporations, nonprofits, and everything in between, our goal is to help any organization that strives to make a positive impact on its community, regardless of industry or background.

We believe that every organization should have the ability to showcase its impact, which is why we offer transparent pricing structures to accommodate businesses of all sizes. Our pricing is competitive and designed to be accessible, ensuring that you can engage with our services without financial strain.

For more information about our services, processes, and requirements visit the FAQ below.

When to use Impact Reporting


Support annual appeals

Kickoff capital campaigns

Showcase value to potential partners and funders

Recognize donor impact

Program or Service Highlights

Report and recognize
grant completion

Spotlight performance
of key programs

Celebrate community impact

Increase Visibility

Drive awareness to secure
earned media

Review interdepartmental or department performance

Recognize exemplary outcomes

Strategic Initiatives

Report on sustainability
and social responsibility

Amplify diversity and
inclusion efforts

Improve transparency


  • Internally

    • After completing a grant to communicate the outcomes

    • Data collection and stories to write successful grants

    • To highlight the performance of a key program or initiative to drive sales or highlight outcomes

    • Spotlight interdepartmental or department performance or initiatives

    • Celebrate your team


    • During annual report season to go above and beyond state-required annual reporting

    • Display the value of specific or broad organizational successes of initiatives/programs and drive awareness to secure earned media

    • Complement a funding or donation drive in order to gain support of stakeholders for current and future endeavors by highlighting previous successes 

    • Showcase the value of your work to potential partners and funders

    • Highlight and celebrate your relationship within your community 

  • Internally 

    • Improve employee morale by showcasing business impact within the community

    • Underscore the efforts of programs and initiatives

    • Communicate with internal stakeholders to evaluate outcomes

    • Use the process of the report to identify previously unforeseen opportunities 

    • Develop strategic goals based on analysis of achievements

    • Comprehensively demonstrate your organization's dedication to producing positive change and outcomes


    • Earn media and PR coverage

    • Use report content to drive future marketing and content strategies

    • Use the report as a reliable asset to secure funding and interest for future projects and developments

    • As an annual benchmark study for yourself and your partners

    • Build trust with your desired audience through impact transparency

    • Demonstrate your organization's dedication to producing positive change and outcomes

    • If your organization already conducts public-facing annual reporting

    • If your organization has standardized data, metrics, and/or KPI collection

    • Nonprofits with at least one year of data, metrics, and/or KPI collection

    • If your organization has a designated budget for marketing or annual reporting starting at $2,000.

    • Companies or nonprofits that are able to provide a project coordinator and oversight

    • Companies or nonprofits that can provide staff hours to support data collection

    • Databases with functioning reporting capabilities 

    • Data that is clean and accurate enough to conclude effective measurables 

    • Team members dedicated to collecting and providing data (team size is dependent on scope and size of business and report) 

    • 2-4 months for coordinating, collecting, and advising 

    1. Establish Partnership - Our partnership begins with an initial onboarding process, executed through a series of digital requests to gather essential business information. A kick-off meeting will then be scheduled to set the objectives of the report, and to review the processes and timelines, ensuring alignment and clarity from the outset.

    2. Collect Data - We can collect up to 200 data points strategically aligned with local, national, and global sustainability standards that are relevant to your business and industry. HMK Impact will curate a tailored list of indicators that best fit your business and will consult with your team to identify additional points relevant to your industry and organization. You are responsible for completing the data collection template provided. This process can take between two weeks to two months depending on the depth of your project and your available resources. Our team at HMK Impact remains available for consultation and to assist with any additional data acquisition needs.

    3. Interview Stakeholders - Based on the data collected, HMK Impact will conduct interviews with up to five key stakeholders and consumers. These discussions are crucial in gaining deeper insights and understanding the qualitative aspects of your impact to craft a narrative that highlights your unique initiatives and provided experiences.

    4. Storyboard Impact Report - Once all data has been compiled, HMK Impact will draft an outline and storyboard for the Impact Report. This draft will be presented to you during a meeting where adjustments to the report’s scope and objectives can be made. Additional data collection may be required based on this review.

    5. Create Impact Report - HMK Impact will then produce the first draft of the Impact Report. This draft is reviewed by you, and can be revised up to two times without any additional costs, ensuring that the final product accurately reflects your impact.

    6. Complete and Deliver Final Impact Report -Upon final approval, the completed Impact Report is submitted.

    7. Develop a Strategic Communication Campaign - Following the delivery, you have the option to engage further with our team for additional consultation. We can assist in developing strategic communication, PR, and marketing strategies to effectively disseminate the Impact Report. We are available for graphic design, copywriting, and marketing and PR campaigns.

    8. Review Experience and Get Feedback - Client relationships and experiences are paramount at HMK Impact. A final meeting will be held to review the entire process and to solicit your feedback. This discussion will also cover considerations for future reports, additional consultations, and your impact initiatives to ensure ongoing improvement and satisfaction for both parties.

Want more information on Impact Reporting?

Visit our blog and resources to learn more about our initiatives, best practices for impact reporting, and highlights on who we work with.